Discover the future of clean – 100% Natural Power, Zero Harsh Chemicals! Want a deep clean that’s safe for the planet? Our EM-based Organic Cleaner is coming soon!
EM (commonly known as “EM bacteria”) is derived from the acronym for “Effective Microorganisms.” As the name suggests, it does not refer to a single special bacterium but is a collective term for a group of
microorganisms, such as lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and photosynthetic bacteria, which are found everywhere and work beneficially for humans.
Each product is for a different purpose, some for large-scale agriculture and others for home gardening. EM can be applied in many ways and can be incorporated into many types of products to suit your needs.
EM was developed in 1980 and has over 40 years of track record. Currently, it is produced in 59 countries around the world and is used in various fields such as agriculture, livestock, and construction in more than 140 countries.
In India
In Thailand